How Musicians Can Pitch Their Music to Blogs and Playlists

October 5, 2023

Getting your music featured on blogs and playlists is a great way to boost your music career. Here's how to pitch your music effectively:

1. Research Your Targets:Identify blogs and playlists that align with your music's genre and style. Make a list of potential platforms to target.

2. Craft an Engaging Pitch:Write a compelling pitch email. Keep it concise, highlight your music's unique selling points, and express why it's a good fit for their audience.

3. Personalize Your Outreach:Avoid generic messages. Tailor your pitch to each platform, showing that you've done your homework.

4. Build Relationships:Engage with bloggers and playlist curators on social media before reaching out. This can make your pitch more recognizable.

5. Include Professional Materials:Attach a high-quality press kit with your email. This should contain your music, high-res images, and relevant information.

6. Follow Submission Guidelines:Many platforms have specific submission guidelines. Read and adhere to them carefully.

7. Be Patient:Editors and curators receive numerous pitches daily. It might take time to get a response, so be patient.

8. Highlight Your Story:Share your musical journey and what makes your music unique. A compelling story can catch the interest of bloggers and playlist curators.

9. Offer Exclusivity:Give platforms an exclusive or early release of your music. This can incentivize them to feature your work.

10. Thank You Emails:If a blog or playlist includes your music, send a follow-up thank-you email. Building positive relationships is essential.

11. Don't Get Discouraged:Rejections are part of the process. Don't be discouraged by them; keep pitching your music.

Remember, persistence and professionalism in your pitches are key to getting your music on blogs and playlists.